Monday, November 14, 2011

Life and Living

It seems I have not been terribly active on this blog this year. Only 3 blog posts? Yet I have to take my shoes off to count how many photo sessions I did. Working on photos and homework for school keeps me busy.

Here are a few of my favorites from the last few months.

Blossoms in Spring
Int. Peace Gardens, SLC

ABQ Bio Park

Canyon de Chelly, AZ

Lacing Hands

Quincenera, July


Art Garden at Kayenta
St. George, UT

Friday, August 26, 2011

{N & E} Wedding Portraits

 I came prepared to Blogger today. I saved my images as GIFs ahead of time and pre-rotated them so I didn't have to fight the system. (Because, for sure, it is a system that fights back.)

Our good friend got married recently! He asked me to do some after-ceremony photographs and I loved how they came out, despite the high-noon sun and blazing temperatures.

We're hoping to do some more. Until then, enjoy the small taste.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

{::Baby A::}

 I LOVE working with babies. Especially when they are a) as cute as this; and b) related to me. Then I get to see and work with them on a regular basis!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

::K & J::

 It took me a long time to get these up (had to override so many of the images again and again) but I finally was rewarded for my patience!

This couple is so cute together, and it shows through the images below.

Thanks for asking me to be a part, you guys!

Lots of love and best wishes!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Still Here

Today I went to a seminar about photographing sites in-situ. It was based for archeology students, but I learned a lot, mostly about the impermanence of places, people, experiences. What you see now will not be there later, so get it while you can.

She talked about scale, good references, and tying your photos to a "landmark" (something as simple as a boulder) for reference later.

So, if you are wondering where I am, I'm in the anthro. building, thinking about pictures.

Does that happen to you? I think about photos all the time. Today I was walking downtown and saw a wet, dark, long alley, and the only person was a chef, smoking. I thought about taking his picture...

and missed the opportunity.

Or the time I saw the "stage door" sign glowing during a rain and fog.

My goal for the rest of the month is to carry my camera everywhere. It is my new purse.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

A few more of my favorites

I really loved this session (can you tell?) so I'm putting up a few more from it - a few more creative ones.

I don't like to do the typical photos with bridals. I have had a bride who expected differently and was set up for disappointment expecting generic photography. I am grateful Erica is on board for all the fun stuff that happens on shoots!


I have models and then I have favorite models.

Erica is sure to be in a lot of pictures in the future. See, she married my brother and now she can't get rid of me! :D She's expecting too (these pics are from the fall) and I'm excited to follow her life with my photos!

Lots of love to Dave and Erica.