Saturday, May 3, 2008

Themed Photos

I have been going through stages lately of what I want to photograph, and with a new camera, I feel less hindered by film and not wanting to hit that shutter button. Now I just snap, snap, snap all the time. After all, ONE of my memory cards hold 415 pictures (and my camera holds two at a time)!! So whenI see something worth taking a picture of (aka anything within range) I am not hesitant to shoot it from 4 or 5 different angles.

So! I have decided to make a theme for each month. I think it will go well, seeing as how many flowers have been in bloom. So obviously, May will be: Flowers! This is a good theme, I think, because after all, April Showers Bring May Flowers. It didn't rain a lot in April (snowed, though!)... but if it had I would consider "rain" as a theme for April.

My goal with the Theme Project is to look at the obvious with a different eye. The first few might be obvious, but they will improve!

***If you have any suggestions for themes or what you'd like to see, let me know, and I'll incorporate it. I am a little lost after this month for themes, but I'm thinking of some: Metal, Fire, Cars, Reflections, Wood, Water, Senior Portraits/Graduation (this one might be good for June), Etc. Let me know your suggestions!***