Thursday, March 10, 2011

Still Here

Today I went to a seminar about photographing sites in-situ. It was based for archeology students, but I learned a lot, mostly about the impermanence of places, people, experiences. What you see now will not be there later, so get it while you can.

She talked about scale, good references, and tying your photos to a "landmark" (something as simple as a boulder) for reference later.

So, if you are wondering where I am, I'm in the anthro. building, thinking about pictures.

Does that happen to you? I think about photos all the time. Today I was walking downtown and saw a wet, dark, long alley, and the only person was a chef, smoking. I thought about taking his picture...

and missed the opportunity.

Or the time I saw the "stage door" sign glowing during a rain and fog.

My goal for the rest of the month is to carry my camera everywhere. It is my new purse.