Sunday, April 27, 2008

Food Porn

Do you love pictures? Do you love food? Then you love food porn! :D Its a little inappropriate, yet so completely solves the question of "what do you call pictures of food?!?" Although I don't often ask that question... another completely acceptable answer is "Pictures of Food." But don't you love saying food porn instead? Like its something so wrong but so right.

Enjoy! Good enough to eat!

***These were all taken at a BBQ we had this weekend with my fam and my hubby's fam. Check out my other blog for more pictures of that.***

Macro: Flowers

There are two reasons I got a telephoto lens with my package: One, portraits. Two: Macro Macro Macro. I love close-up pictures but with a point and shoot its difficult to obtain quality.

I love my new lens! Woot!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Brea's Second Easter Photos - Outdoors

The day of Easter I wanted a few more natural "candid" pictures of her. So I just put her on a blanket and let Grandma play with her while I snapped away.

Just a few of the best.

Yes, even I can't get the perfect shot :D But its still cute - and really funny.

Conceptual Reflections: Guitars

Thanks to my brothers for the ideas and use of their precious equipment. All was returned in perfect condition... at least as how I received it :D

I really enjoyed these pictures, and the lighting turned out great.

Flora and Fauna

I love walks. You never know what you are going to find. Enjoy a taste of my too short although long walk.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Thinking... and laughing

In mandatory hiatus (because Inkleys screwed up my disc!!) I am posting this AWESOME video about beauty. Check it out. Its only a minute long and you'll be amazed. (Be sure to scroll past the video after watching it.)

Ok. Now that I've got you thinking... watch this one. Its even shorter and sure to make you laugh.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Ideas, Ideas, Ideas!

Sometimes I get an idea in my head, and it drives me to insanity. Once its there, its stuck. I think about it all the time, I dream about it, I make lists about it. I am pretty convinced my husband hates this about me :D Sometimes I get so jittery with excitement, that I cannot sleep for the life of me. As I am writing this, I have those feelings. That is one reason I am putting this down on paper. The other is accountability. *wink, wink*

I have been working on my grasp of "conceptual photography" and I have made an official list of ideas. It has about 50 things on it, and those are just the basic ideas. I feel so pumped and ready to go shoot and bring the pictures in my head to the page.

My parents 30th anniversary is this year, and (I think I'm safe to write this, as they never come here... so I assume) I have begun thinking of ideas of gifts for them. I have decided I would like to photograph my mother's wedding dress, as it is still in spectacular condition. I have a few thoughts on how it will be done, and I think I will include their wedding bands creatively displayed.

Also on my list of concepts is everyday objects: dishes, socks, fruit, glass items such as champagne glasses and coke bottles. I think conceptual photography is essentially looking at the mundane in a new way. And I think I am already starting to do that.

Wish me luck! And you'll see new photos soon!!