Friday, November 14, 2008


Sunday, October 26, 2008

Max, Part II

I know I said only a few photos, but I was editing the other day and LOVED these. He's so cute! I can't believe she hasn't killed me, I haven't even gotten her the disc yet. I'm so sorry!!! Computer is fixed, and now she's out of town. *Sigh*


Don't you love the upset-ness of his face? And the light. Yum.

**edited: I messed with this post 5 times, uploaded the photos 3 times, and moved them around. Sorry its a little cut-off... :( To see them in their full beautiful glory, go here (click) Thanks for reading!!***

Saturday, October 11, 2008


...Here he is! Veronica, my dear friend (who's maternity photos are further down this page) had her baby. He is getting big! Here are the photos I took a few days after he was born.


Since I have not updated my blog too recently, I could not remember if I had uploaded photos of Miss Lilly. I don't think I did. She was funny to photograph, didn't like being on her tummy!!

Thanks Alycia for letting me practice.

Sneaky Sneaks

A few favoritas

Sometimes I just need a good photo (and a good latte) to pick me up. Here a few of my favorites - until I take new ones, that is!

(Thank goodness for autosave! Internet explorer kicked me off.... Thanks Blogger!)

Happy Bokeh Day! :D (twinkle lights in a tree on 25th street... in August! haha)

You should know I love a good lens flare... I guess iStock considers it a no-no. But wouldn't this photo be so bland without it?

My friend Jenni and I went walking around an industrial part of lower Ogden last week, these photos below are from our walk. And we went to the cemetery at sunset. Very creepy. But I got a couple good grave shots.

Would you like to guess what this is? I love this! Its something so plain, even annoying but I love this photo!

(It is a metal edge on a loading dock that is breaking away. In case you wanted to know. :D)

This was my favorite part of the cemetery. They have a whole section - I imagine its probably one large family - filled with Chinese gravesites. Some very cool letterings!

A hint of fall...

Monday, September 22, 2008

Fall in Yellowstone

We had the opportunity to drive thru Yellowstone this last weekend, and for a while it sprinkled. We parked the car for a few minutes (read: 1 1/2 haha) and I hurried to get some cute fall colors saved. They were so beautiful. I love fall!! :D

Retro: Liz

Alright! My first shoot doing retro, and all told, I think it turned out AMAZINGLY. I love the photos, and did a TINY bit of editing but I love these the most. We tried to showcase her tattoo in the photos, and her dress was great too. Thank you liz!

Veronica: Maternity

David - CD

My favorite male model so far :D This was fun - and educational! I hadn't ever shot photos around dusk, so I was practicing bouncing my flash - and blinding Danny.

I know this one is a bit blurry but I think that is why I like it so much... :D

And last, the favorite of EVERYONE from the set.

Thanks for looking!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Not My Garden

... and a few others.

My dad is amazing with his garden. This year I think tops the list. Maybe its because I want to have his garden (cause mine is slow in coming...) or because he did it differently than I've ever known it. But its AMAZING. On a side note, yesterday I had dinner over there and just about everything that was on the table was from there. Yum. The only thing added was meat and cheese.

And, like I said. A few randoms that I love.

Thanks for stopping by! Comments are LOVED! :D

Veronica's Maternity Photos

If you have seen photos from either blog, you may recognize the wonderful - and beautiful! - Veronica. She is very good friend of mine from Mexico... she left there, came to visit, met her husband here and ended up staying. I'm very glad she did. She is a very, very, very good friend who also happens to help me practice my Spanish... which I'm NOT good at. LOL

Anyway, she is expecting a little boy, who they will probably name Maximus. Yup, like in Gladiator. They will shorten it to Max but I imagine he will be welcomed to chanting: "Max-im-us! Max-im-us!" I would die to see that! :D

Thank you, Veronica. One of the easiest sessions ever, and she's coming over tomorrow with her hubby to do more. We did these because we were afraid she was going into labor, and wouldn't have ANY photos at all! I'll send over the others probably early next week.
